Scotto as evil clown surgeon, LaChrista Borgers as helpless unanaesthetized victim. Photo by Robert Fisher.

Burn'em And Brainey's Twisted Circus

I was invited to direct a vignette in the 2nd annual Halloween extravaganza at the AND household in north Seattle, and my contribution was a twisted clown surgery scene where toy props like dolls and robot dogs - as well as fake intestines - were extracted from a helpless victim. I co-directed this vignette with Leo, and several clowns (Jesse, Jenny, Indigo, Dave, Leo and myself) cycled through the skit throughout the evening. Fake blood and gory intestine props were provided by Cole. Pat built the amazing table with cutout for surfacing props surreptitiously through an apparent hole in the victim's stomach. Our brave victim LaChrista managed to survive the entire 5-10pm shift.

The twisted circus drew thousands of kids and their parents. Not bad for a free event held smack dab in the middle of Capitol Hill!

Halloween 2011