So long to Comfort Music

Cross-posted from today's final post at Comfort Music:

Hey friends,

Thought I should let you know that I've decided to stop writing this blog. While I was on vacation, we rolled past the six-year anniversary of the blog's first posting. Six years is a long time for any continuous project to occupy a significant chunk of a person's mind. And I realized as I was posting all those "vacation re-posts" from the early years of the blog that I had a lot more enthusiasm to share my feelings about music back then. These days posting about music has become a lot more perfunctory, and even though I still find a thrill in discovering wonderful new music, the process of constantly auditioning music has become a bit too arduous of a chore. I think it's time to get back to a place where finding new music is mostly just a personal treat, unbound by any obligation except to enjoy it on the spot.

If for any reason you want to keep up with my other endeavors, my personal blog will keep you updated. And I plan to keep the Comfort Radio playlist updated, for the 2.8 of you who listen to it on a semi-regular basis.

Cheers, and so long!

The Nylons - So Long

Recently on Comfort Radio:
M83 - Farewell / Goodbye
Ulrich Schnauss - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
The Beatles - The End